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Important: Be sure to view this short 2 min video prior to the meeting!

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Peer Review

This event allows you as an inspector, new to the business or a seasoned veteran, to see how other inspectors process their information and approach their work. Also, learn how we can miss things or have differing opinions on the same subject matter. Seasoned Inspectors – accept the challenge in attaining “Master Inspector” or “Inspector by Peer Review” designations to your list of credentials.

The most recent Tri State ASHI PEER REVIEW was held on November 4th 2016.  As in years past, this proved to be a great day of interactive, entertaining and mind blowing education!  The Ultimate Inspection Experience!

Two ways to participate in a Tri-State ASHi Peer Review Session:
1. As a Group Inspection Member developing the “Must Find List”
2. As a Candidate going through the Peer Review Process

Peer Review Day Process

  • Group Inspection
    6:30 AM – Inspectors intending to participate in the Group Inspection meet at the predesignated meeting point for a briefing and to learn the address of the Peer Review Subject House.
    7:00 – 9:00 AM – Inspectors caravan to the Subject House and as a group (or you can work independently) to perform an inspection used to develop the “Must Find List” of defects. Typically 2 hours – All are welcome for this session.
    9:00 – 10:30 AM – Inspectors meet back at the predesignated meeting point (typically a local diner), compare notes and select a number of must find items by quorum and enjoy breakfast! – All are welcome for this session.
  • Candidates Inspect the House
    9:00 – 11:00 AM – The Candidates arrive at the predesignated meeting point, are briefed and given the address of the Subject House. The Candidates leave for the Subject House and have typically two (2) hours to perform their evaluation. On site instructions are given by the House Supervisor.  Each Candidate performs an Inspection – Communication with other participants on site is not allowed. All appropriate measures are taken for access during inspection (access panels are removed and ladders are on site).

    • Candidate Presentation
      11:00 AM – Each Candidate returns to the predesignated meeting point to review their notes and prepare for their private presentation to the Peer Review Board. This is a verbal presentation of findings, a Report is not required to be prepared. 
      – A short discussion regarding the Sample Reports the candidate has previously submitted typically occurs with the Peer Review Board. 
      – A question and answer session ensues regarding Inspection Standards, Code of Ethics and general construction knowledge.
      – Candidate presents a verbal summary of the Inspection performed at the Subject House with the interest of hitting on the “Must Find” items.
      – Upon completion of the Candidates presentation, the Peer Review Board members discuss and may ask additional questions and or request clarifications.
      – The Candidate will be advised if they have met the requirements or need to try again at the next Peer Review.

Note:  The Candidate must submit sample home inspection reports to the Peer Review Board for review and conformance with ASHI standards.  The Peer Review Board includes at least two (2) Members who have passed a prior Peer Review.   All candidate information is kept confidential.  This event is typically approved for 4 CEUs from ASHI & New Jersey.

Check our Calendar of Events for our next scheduled Peer Review session.